The Only Thing I Want You to Know - By the Law Or By Faith
on June 8th, 2022
Bill Morel - When Jesus died, was buried, and rose from the grave the system changed in our favor. He sent his spirit to live inside those of us who believe. Like Matt said, if the law is necessary for us to be saved and receive the Spirit of God, then Jesus died for nothing. However, before Jesus ascended, he told the disciples that he was going to send us the Helper. Before the cross, the Spirit was administered by God to certain people for certain purposes and it was not permanent. The good news is we aren’t living before the cross. Read More
Serve Sunday
on June 1st, 2022
Matt Graves - This past Sunday, we did something that we’ve never done before. We didn’t have an in-person or online service. Instead, we went out into the community and served others. We had almost 100 people show up to serve Texarkana. As your pastor, I am grateful and humbled that we have an environment where that is possible and that so many of you would show up to serve on a holiday weekend. Thank you! Read More
Christianese WK 6, Sinner Saved By Grace
on May 25th, 2022
Chris Williams - We talk about identity a lot at Heritage and are unapologetic in that. It’s a crucial thing you have to get a grasp of, without knowing who you are, you will always miss the mark. Read More
Christianese Wk5, God Needed Another Angel
on May 18th, 2022
David Magness - What a great message from Pastor Matt this past weekend as he continued his series Christianese. I would strongly encourage you to go listen at if you missed it. As believers, we have access to the God of ALL comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).Have you ever wondered how people get through trials and heartache without knowing the Lord? I know there have been seasons of my life that I wouldn’t want to walk through without Christ and HIS faith (not mine) to rest in (Galatians 2:20). Our God is the God of peace that doesn’t make sense (Phillippians 4:7), and it’s during those tough times that we need to renew our minds to the truth of who our God is! Even when we lack the words to pray, the Spirit intercedes for us (Romans 8:26). The world needs a peace that doesn’t make sense, and we have the answer as ambassadors of Christ. People are seeking comfort all around us in things of this world that aren’t sustainable. Without Christ, all we are left with is wishful thinking and self-help in times of need. Read More
Christianese - Jesus Take the Wheel
on May 11th, 2022
Bob Murray - Pastor Matt continued in the Christianese Series with Jesus Take the Wheel this past Sunday. To me, the thought behind this message spoke to the tendency of Christians wanting to hand off to Jesus as a last resort for our mess-ups instead of living out of our identity in Christ. And the conclusion was one that is often missed, namely, when we live from our identity, there will be an inexplicable difference in how we conduct our lives. Read More
Christianese - Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness
on May 3rd, 2022
Bill Morel - Matt outlined several scriptures referencing humans' wicked or deceitful hearts and inability to "live right." He started with Matthew 23, where Jesus is lighting into the religious leaders a bit because they dress up real nice and put their best self out there, but their hearts we full of "robbery and self-indulgence." Fake it till you make it never flew with Jesus. I laugh when Jesus made the Pharisees look foolish because they were the well-educated and "most knowledgeable" religious people of the day. Then Jesus, this "uneducated," "blue-collar" son of a carpenter, comes in and lines them out. No doubt they knew the story from 1 Samuel about him looking for the next king. They knew or should have known that God's focus is on the heart, not our looks or actions. Read More