I Reckon So - Rest

Matt Graves
This past Sunday, in my message, we took the next step in this conversation about reckoning. Building off the first two weeks, we looked at the reality that we are dead to the Law. (Rom 7:4) So it may be difficult for some to accept or even grasp, but the truth of the matter is—according to Scripture—we are no longer under the demands of the Law. However, there are plenty of ministries that still put the demands of the Law on people to follow in order to be right with God, or simply to use as a guide for our lives. That was never the purpose or intent of the Law. (Gal 3:19-25) Once Jesus came, He fulfilled the Law for us, and the great mystery that was revealed to the apostle Paul was that we are no longer under the demand and condemnation of the Law, so we can rest in knowing and reckoning that we have been placed in Christ, the hope of our glory. This established the demands of the Law in us. We should be able to truly rest in the truth because we no longer have to work for anything for God. The message of His grace brings the reality that God has done everything for us.
When you rest in Jesus’ finished work of fulfilling the Law for us on the cross, you are freed up to love with a clear conscience, a pure heart, and a sincere faith.
I realize that the truths of being crucified, buried, and raised with Christ are truths that may be difficult to accept, understand, and then to reckon to be true. But here-in lies the power for your rest. Because if you think you have to live up to the demands of the Law, then sin will be stirred in you (1 Cor 15:56), and you will be on the legalistic treadmill of trying to live up to something you never will.
This is why it is vital to understand that the Holy Spirit is our guide in our lives. And He guides us to walk by His instruction. And the fruit He produces is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. And the greatest of these is love because it is the fulfillment of the Law. Paul says of love, against it there is no law. Because when the Holy Spirit guides us to love one another, and we walk by that guidance, we fulfill God’s instruction in our lives. We don’t have to try and memorize 613 laws for obedience. We just need to remember and ask ourselves, “what does love demand?” And know and understand that only the spirit of God can produce that love; our part is to be a vessel to bear that love to others. Remember the Bonnie Raitt song, “I can’t make you love me if you won’t”? The Law can never make you love someone. It can only try to get you to obey a rule. But if you love someone, your heart and desire will be to not offend or hurt them. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the Law (Rom 13:10)
When you rest in Jesus’ finished work of fulfilling the Law for us on the cross, you are freed up to love with a clear conscience, a pure heart, and a sincere faith…more on that this week!
See you Sunday!
This is why it is vital to understand that the Holy Spirit is our guide in our lives. And He guides us to walk by His instruction. And the fruit He produces is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. And the greatest of these is love because it is the fulfillment of the Law. Paul says of love, against it there is no law. Because when the Holy Spirit guides us to love one another, and we walk by that guidance, we fulfill God’s instruction in our lives. We don’t have to try and memorize 613 laws for obedience. We just need to remember and ask ourselves, “what does love demand?” And know and understand that only the spirit of God can produce that love; our part is to be a vessel to bear that love to others. Remember the Bonnie Raitt song, “I can’t make you love me if you won’t”? The Law can never make you love someone. It can only try to get you to obey a rule. But if you love someone, your heart and desire will be to not offend or hurt them. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the Law (Rom 13:10)
When you rest in Jesus’ finished work of fulfilling the Law for us on the cross, you are freed up to love with a clear conscience, a pure heart, and a sincere faith…more on that this week!
See you Sunday!
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