Christinaese - WK 1

David Magness
What a special weekend it was at Heritage, beginning on Good Friday through Easter. Yes, we celebrate the work of the cross every week, but there’s just something about believers gathering together on Easter to give glory to the Name above all names for the finished work of the cross - what a day!
Matt opened a new series titled “Christianese”, where he’ll dig into phrases many Christians say that may not make sense to the un-churched or to the unbeliever. “Are you washed in the blood of the lamb” was the topic for this week. If you grew up in church or have a general knowledge of the Bible you probably know what this refers to. Matt did a great job explaining the connection to salvation, so I would encourage you to go to to catch the message if you missed it.
For this week, I initially planned to layout many requirements under The Law that were dealt with by Christ at the cross (if you haven’t studied this, please do!), but something Matt touched on struck a chord with me (worship pastor pun). As he went into detail reading from Peter and Paul’s writings, he showed parallels between what the Jews and Gentiles were struggling with; each group of people had traditions and ways of thought that hindered their belief (1 Cor. 1:22-23).
Don’t we still see a version of this today? The world tells us the story of Christ doesn’t make sense; the Bible is illogical or contradicts itself. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to us because those without the Spirit cannot discern the things of God (1 Cor. 2:12-16). However, as ambassadors of Christ (2 Cor 5:20) we have the calling to simply live out our identity in Christ. It is God making His appeal through us to a world in need, and He is the one causing the growth (1 Cor. 3:6-7). We get the privilege to point people to Him!
In Eph. 2:10, we see this is what we are created for and that He is the one doing the work. What does that look like? Love (1 Cor. 13:13). Yes, Christians may have some funny sayings that don’t make sense to the outside world, but love doesn’t need a translator or an explanation. It breaks down walls and cuts through barriers, and God loved the world so much that he sent Jesus (John 3:16).
What a special weekend it was at Heritage, beginning on Good Friday through Easter. Yes, we celebrate the work of the cross every week, but there’s just something about believers gathering together on Easter to give glory to the Name above all names for the finished work of the cross - what a day!
Matt opened a new series titled “Christianese”, where he’ll dig into phrases many Christians say that may not make sense to the un-churched or to the unbeliever. “Are you washed in the blood of the lamb” was the topic for this week. If you grew up in church or have a general knowledge of the Bible you probably know what this refers to. Matt did a great job explaining the connection to salvation, so I would encourage you to go to to catch the message if you missed it.
For this week, I initially planned to layout many requirements under The Law that were dealt with by Christ at the cross (if you haven’t studied this, please do!), but something Matt touched on struck a chord with me (worship pastor pun). As he went into detail reading from Peter and Paul’s writings, he showed parallels between what the Jews and Gentiles were struggling with; each group of people had traditions and ways of thought that hindered their belief (1 Cor. 1:22-23).
Don’t we still see a version of this today? The world tells us the story of Christ doesn’t make sense; the Bible is illogical or contradicts itself. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to us because those without the Spirit cannot discern the things of God (1 Cor. 2:12-16). However, as ambassadors of Christ (2 Cor 5:20) we have the calling to simply live out our identity in Christ. It is God making His appeal through us to a world in need, and He is the one causing the growth (1 Cor. 3:6-7). We get the privilege to point people to Him!
In Eph. 2:10, we see this is what we are created for and that He is the one doing the work. What does that look like? Love (1 Cor. 13:13). Yes, Christians may have some funny sayings that don’t make sense to the outside world, but love doesn’t need a translator or an explanation. It breaks down walls and cuts through barriers, and God loved the world so much that he sent Jesus (John 3:16).
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