War - Know His Tactics, Deception

Randy Hagar
Another great message from Pastor Matt. What spoke to me in Sunday's sermon was to be prepared. Know who you are. Know what Christ has done for you. We talk about these things at Heritage regularly. This series of messages is about realizing our enemy's tactics and how he seeks to deceive and destroy.
I have had a personal tragedy in my life lately. I lost my wife, Vicky, on September 20th. My enemy wants me to give up. My God says otherwise. I trust my God to see me through these tough times. He has and is comforting me. He has given me hope for the future. He has surrounded me with friends. He is supplying my needs. Satan does none of these things.
Satan wants me to live in despair and suffering. My Lord is truly my peace and joy, and the Holy Spirit is my comforter.
Are you prepared for trying times? Are you in His Word? How can we know the depths of God's riches unless we know what's in His Word? I was a Boy Scout in my youth, and being prepared is the scout's motto.
I don't know if anyone can be prepared for a tragedy such as mine, but I know there is One you can lean on when it happens. God is love, and I'm seeing God's love pouring out on me.
I lost my Mother and Father last year. Mom always said she is never alone. In fact, Never Alone was the song sung at her funeral. She is right; we are never alone. God is there for us with comfort and peace. I have Jesus.
Satan doesn't want comfort and peace in your life. Satan wants you to live a defeated life.
Jesus said "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly" (John 10:10 KJV).
I have the abundant life.
Love my church
Another great message from Pastor Matt. What spoke to me in Sunday's sermon was to be prepared. Know who you are. Know what Christ has done for you. We talk about these things at Heritage regularly. This series of messages is about realizing our enemy's tactics and how he seeks to deceive and destroy.
I have had a personal tragedy in my life lately. I lost my wife, Vicky, on September 20th. My enemy wants me to give up. My God says otherwise. I trust my God to see me through these tough times. He has and is comforting me. He has given me hope for the future. He has surrounded me with friends. He is supplying my needs. Satan does none of these things.
Satan wants me to live in despair and suffering. My Lord is truly my peace and joy, and the Holy Spirit is my comforter.
Are you prepared for trying times? Are you in His Word? How can we know the depths of God's riches unless we know what's in His Word? I was a Boy Scout in my youth, and being prepared is the scout's motto.
I don't know if anyone can be prepared for a tragedy such as mine, but I know there is One you can lean on when it happens. God is love, and I'm seeing God's love pouring out on me.
I lost my Mother and Father last year. Mom always said she is never alone. In fact, Never Alone was the song sung at her funeral. She is right; we are never alone. God is there for us with comfort and peace. I have Jesus.
Satan doesn't want comfort and peace in your life. Satan wants you to live a defeated life.
Jesus said "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly" (John 10:10 KJV).
I have the abundant life.
Love my church
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