Love One Another

Randy Hagar
I was asked to give one last elder word. I resigned two weeks ago as an elder. My wife unexpectedly passed away on September 20th. I have sold my house in TXK and bought a house in Ozark, Arkansas, where my daughter Rachel, her husband David, and my grandson Jacob live. I needed to be closer to my family. My biggest regret in leaving Texarkana was leaving behind my church family.
Vicky and I started coming to Heritage around 19 years ago. Vicky and Rachel attended while Heritage was meeting at the western store. I started coming as soon as I could be released from my duties at another church. Being at Heritage has been the most incredible church experience of my life. Vicky and I love Heritage deeply.
I turned my small group over to David and Keri Price. I had dinner with them last Wednesday, and the advice I left them with was to love one another. The same is true for the church at large. Love one another. Christ is the perfect example of love, and we are in Christ, so love one another. The elders of this church are the greatest bunch of men I've ever met. They truly love one another and love Christ. It was tough to say goodbye and leave the group. God has great plans for me, though, of that I am sure.
Love One Another
When Vicky died, I didn't know what to do with my life. All I ever wanted in life was whatever she wanted. So I had a hard time figuring out who I am and what makes me happy. It took 4 months, but I figured it out! I'm in Christ, and Christ is in me, so Christ knows me better than I do. So I look to Christ for my direction and my happiness in life. All I gotta do is rest in Him. Matt's sermons talk about resting in Him, and that's what I need to do. Just rest and let Him lead me. This week's sermon about being slaves to sin or slaves to righteousness is essential. Heritage rest as I will in Him.
Janee Clayton wrote this on my Facebook page when I posted about Vicky's gravestone being installed this week: "Vicky lived the "dash" well" ("Dash" in reference to the dash between her birth and death dates) She really did, and a lot of that "dash" occurred at Heritage. Thank you all for the almost 20 years of the church done right. I ask everyone to keep lifting up in your prayers-- your church, Matt, the worship team, staff, and elders. They are truly an incredible team.
I Am a Child of God,
Randy Hagar
Remember this Sunday is the Women's Dinner at 5P and Night of Worship beginning at 6P.
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